Thursday, March 7, 2013

Help document the struggle for Justice in Agriculture

2004 CIW Truth Tour

Hello all, 

I know it's been a while. Ruffian has been pretty dormant while we reorganize Swim-Two-Birds, plan a crop rotation for the garden, and work on planning a wedding (big year over here). In the meantime the extended family has seen weddings, births, new jobs, and a whole lot of life-in-general. I'm sure we will get back to Ruffian in some way shape or form before too terribly long. But for now I want to pass on some information about the excellent work a good friend from the old days of the label is doing. 

My friend JJ needs some fundraising help to document the critical work of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers in Florida, right at the center of issues of fair wages, fair working conditions, workers' rights, and the ongoing disgrace of forced labor in the US. 

JJ is an old buddy of mine from back in high school days and does amazing work using photography to document communities of all sorts. His work is frequently social-justice oriented, even when not explicitly so. He walks the walk and regularly uses his professional skills in aid of righteous causes like the work of the CIW. 

Please consider kicking him a couple bucks and passing the word along. 



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